In a complex economy and uncertain times, it is more important than ever to combine three attributes: knowledge, skills and attitude. They distinguish good receivables management by the ability of efficient, effective, meeting quality expectations, implementation of assigned tasks. Among the competences of the future, especially useful in the coming decade, are: Solving complex problems, Critical thinking, Creativity, People management and Ability to cooperate. That is why at the Credit Risk 2019 conference we talked about the key competences of a credit manager. I invite you to view photos and video reports!
Thank you to all participants for coming and growing interest in the activities of the Polish Institute of Credit Management!
Thank you to the conference sponsors: RiskMan Sp. z o.o., Euler Hermes Polska and Bureau van Dijk – A Moody’s Analytics Company
See you at the next PICM events!
Robert Dyrcz
Credit Risk 2019 photo gallery
Invitations to Credit Risk 2019
It’s conference dedicated to managing B2B credit risk in Poland and abroad. A great opportunity to acquire new knowledge and increase the skills.
There is no company with no problem of late payments from the customers. Difficulties with recovering money for goods sold or services performed can cause serious financial problems for companies or entire sectors of the economy. Trade credit risk management is an important element of proper operation of enterprises, it is crucial for maintaining financial liquidity. The managers need extensive knowledge and unique competences. The Credit Risk conference responds to these challenges. The event is a meeting place and an open discussion on the most current topics regarding B2B credit risk management.
Credit Risk is a presentation of the latest trends, methods and practices of B2B credit risk management. The event gives you the opportunity to confront your own knowledge with the experience of credit risk management practitioners, both from Polish and international corporations. While discussing the entire order-to-cash process in the company, the substantive scope puts emphasis on activities aimed at minimizing the creation of difficult and bad debts.
Conference addresses are business owners, experts and managers from the area of B2B credit risk management, in particular: financial departments, credit risk assessment departments, credit control departments, risk management, financial controlling departments, debt monitoring departments, debt collection departments and treasury management.