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PICM Advisory Council

//PICM Advisory Council

The PICM Advisory Council of the Polish Institute of Credit Management (PICM) is a body with advisory and substantive functions. It was established to give opinions and support the development of the PICM Foundation. The PICM Program Council includes well-known persons with an established position, sympathizing with the PICM Foundation and supporting it with knowledge and experience. The PICM Program Council operates in accordance with the provisions of the statute and regulations, which define the competences, mode of operation and work, manner of work, adoption of resolutions, rights, obligations and other specific areas of functioning.

The main tasks of the Advisory Council:

→ Proposals and opinions on the CREDIT CLUB PICM meeting program

→ Proposals and opinions on the Credit Risk conference program

→ Proposals and opinions on the PICM training program

prof. nadzw. dr hab. Artur Hołda – Chairman of PICM Advisory Council

Artur Hołda

Associate professor at the University of Economics in Krakow and the University of Economics and Computer Science in Krakow. Research and teaching employee of the Department of Accounting at the University of Economics and Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting at WSEI. He is the author and co-author of over 100 publications (including books), including: “Accounting”, “Monitor Rachunkności i Finansów”, “Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkności”, “Nasz Rynek Kapitałowy”.

Artur conducts extensive cooperation with business practice – economic and financial training and consulting, as well as expertise in the field of accounting and finance – mainly for recognized business entities. Artur also conducts mandatory training for statutory auditors in Poland, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, as well as classes for MBA (Master of Business Administration) studies.

Piotr Rybicki - Member of PICM Advisory Council

piotr rybicki

Involved in the capital market for over 20 years. Active member of supervisory boards and audit committees in family and private companies listed on the stock exchange, or those with the participation of the State Treasury and municipal companies. Financial management practitioner. The auditor. Member of the Expert Team for increasing the effectiveness of supervisory boards of the Commission for the Reform of Corporate Governance at the Ministry of State Assets. Member of business associations and organizations, including: long-time vice-president of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice, member of the Chapter of the Financial Director of the Year Award.

Author of numerous publications, industry analyzes and media commentaries in the areas of management, finance, accounting and corporate governance. Lecturer in specialized courses and training in finance and accounting, as well as an expert in preparatory courses for the exam for members of supervisory boards of State Treasury companies.

Panelist at key industry conferences and meetings related to business and the capital market. Initiator and co-organizer of the largest project in Poland promoting ownership standards – “Supervisory Board Conference” and the annual Corporate Governance award. Founder and expert of the portal.

Małgorzata Banaszczyk - Member of PICM Advisory Council

Małgorzata Banaszczyk, Lipton

Credit Manager at Lipton. Previously, she was the Financial Risk and Business Development Manager at the fintech Provema. She also worked as a Risk and Receivables Manager in a German global company.

Currently and in the past, she managed debt collection teams, implemented and improved financial processes, and created credit policy along with process maps. In addition to assessing contractors’ credit risk, he specializes in insurance and bank guarantees, factoring and receivables insurance. During her professional career, she worked for Dywidag Systems, Guardian, Akcept Finance, Bank Zachodni WBK, HSBC, Citibank Handlowy, ING Bank Śląski and Beskidzki Dom Maklerski.

Małgorzata speaks English fluently. She has higher education in the field of Banking, Finance and Management.