Effective credit risk analysis is, as never before, an extremely complex process. Before granting a trade credit, we take into account a number of internal factors (e.g. payment history) and external factors (such as financial data of contractors and external macroeconomic data). In a world where information is excess, it seems crucial to choose the most important one and draw conclusions from it correctly.

The Credit Manager Magazine quarterly helps you notice the most important trends of the Polish and world economy, make a good assessment and draw conclusions that will minimize the costs of uncollectible receivables. Reading Credit Manager Magazine helps in professional development and maintaining the usual curiosity of the world, necessary for the work of every Credit Manager. We invite you to read!
PUBLISHER / Editorial office address:
Polish Institute of Credit Management (PICM)
ul. Królewska 57, 2nd floor, Business Zone, 30-081 Krakow
ISSN (for the paper edition): 2720-6203
ISSN (for online release): 2720-6270
Editor-in-chief & Advertising: Robert Dyrcz, tel. (+48) 600 093 372, e-mail: rdyrcz@picm.pl
Editor & Patronages: Piotr Rybicki, e-mail: rybicki@nadzorkorporacyjny.pl
PICM Associate: Robert Dyrcz, tel. (+48) 600 093 372, e-mail: rdyrcz@picm.pl
Online publication: ePUBLIKACJE, ul. Wenecja 5, 34-100 Wadowice
Print: drukarniaonline.pl Edward Świrkowicz, ul. Krzywa 2, 11-600 Węgorzewo